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Вставте слова в предложения слова: tototh,women,child,meh,women,children,teeth,man. предложения: this is an enginer. these are workers this is my mother.those are my auhts this is four.he does not goto school . these go to schoo.the baby has got only one . my dog's are white and big.

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Ответы на вопрос:

This man is an enginer. these men are workers. this woman is my mother. those women are my aunts. this child is four. he does not go to school. these children go to school. the baby has got only one tooth. my dog's teeth are white and big.

1 . we received this letter from continental equipment a week ago.

2. when we receive your confirmation, we will open the letter of credit.(аккредитив)

3. i want to test this equipment.

в скобках "инфинитив"

1 - received (receive).   past simple (простое прошедшее)

- receive(receive), open (open). future simple (простое будущее)

3 - want(want),   test(test). present simple (простое настоящее)

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