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Test in english № 1 1. complete the sentences with the correct form of the word. 1). experts predict a … in migration. (grow) 2). they seem to be for that project. they say that it …. the economic and social situation in the town and in the whole region.( improve ) 3). a pidgin language developed as means of …. between two or more language groups. (communicate) 4. i think that the usage of this language is very … . (limit) 2. fill in the blanks with the words from the box. a) ready meal b) approved of c) fluently d) a sense of responsibility e) lessen 1. her …. makes her work hard and do everything in time. 2. michael has been learning a foreign language for two years but he can’t speak …. yet. 3. modern technologies can …. the negative impact on the environment. 4. when i decided to enter the technical university, my parents …. my choice. 5. it seems that …. producers think that you have nothing in your kitchen apart from a microwave oven. 3. fill in the prepositions to complete the expressions. to deal … all forms of cruelty changes are required … this simple reason to contribute … the solution of the problem. an addition … a draft bill to engage … trading new rules will come … force next week. 4. complete the sentences with articles (a/an or the) as necessary. 1. yesterday i bought … pair of … shoes. 2. … united states of america is located in … north america between … canada and … mexico. the official language of … usa is … english language. 3. look at … moon. it is shining brightly. 4. ludwig van beethoven was … great composer. 5. … youngest brother is at … school now.

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(1). 1-growth 2-will improve 3-communication 4-limited (2). 1-d 2-c 3-e 4-b 5-a (3). to deal with all forms of cruelty changes are required to  this simple reason to contribute for  the solution of the problem. an addition to  a draft bill to engage with  trading new rules will come to force next week. (4). 1. yesterday i bought a pair of shoes. 2. the united states of america is located in … north america between … canada and … mexico. the official language of the usa is an  english language. 3. look at the moon. it is shining brightly. 4. ludwig van beethoven was a great composer. 5. the youngest brother is at … school now.

Вчера я ходила в магазин. пошла я в магазин с моей мамой. как только я и мама вышли, я увидела девочку которая тоже как и я своей маме! меня это вдохновило ещё больше ! вскоре мы вошли в магазин, так как наш дом был рядом с магазином. мы вошли , купили всего вкусного! ну а так же полезного) и потом уже хотели выйти из магазина, но нас остановила бабушка и попросила дать ей денег на хлеб! я и моя мама доли ей денег! и в какой то момент я расстроилась , потому что мне стало эту бабушку жаль! но одновременно у меня появилась гордость за то, что я ей ! вскоре я и мама пришли домой ! разгрузили пакеты, попили какао и посмотрели телевизор! так закончился мой поход в магазин

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