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1) they this street 1 are live 2 lives 3 live 4 living 2) i school when i was 10 -1 was starting 2 start 3 started 4 did started 6) mary me when i yesterday evening. 1 wainted/arrived 2 was waiting/ was arriving 3 was waiting/ was arrived 4 was waiting/ arrived 7) all their carefully 1 check 2 checked 3 were checked 4 was checked 8) would you to dinner on sunday 1 come 2 to come 3 coming 4 to coming 9) marry to the bank, some money 1 will go/lend 2 goes/ will lend 3 will go/ will lend 4 goes/lend

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1) live 2)  was starting 6) 4 7) 3 8) 2 9) 3

Many children want to earn some money. someone with nothing to do, someone saves money. i believe that students do not need to work, if he is less than fifteen years. and then as he wanted to. at least, he learns to be hardworking, begins to appreciate the work and relate to money more naturally because he would not spend the money for a different game or chips.                                                                                                многие дети хотят, чтобы заработать деньги. кто-то от нечего делать, кто-то деньги. я считаю, что студенты не должны работать, если он составляет менее чем пятнадцать лет. и тогда, как он и хотел. по крайней мере, он учится быть трудолюбивым, начинает ценить работу и относятся к деньгам более естественно, потому что он не хотел тратить деньги на различные игры или чипсы.

Популярно: Английский язык