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13 б 3. заполните пропуски словами who/which. a dictionary is a book gives you the meaning of words. alexander bell was the man invented the telephone. do you know the person took those pictures? we live in a world is changing all the time. i don’t like stories have unhappy endings. 1. соедините существительные с прилагательными, которые могут их описывать 1. hair a oval 2. nose b thin 3. face c long 4. eyes d blond 5. lips e blue 2. соедините части сложных существительных. 1. shopping a shop 2. super b stop 3. flower c centre 4. arm d rise 5. english e market 6. sun f teacher 7. bus g chair 1. shopping

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Which who who which which blond hair (long) thin nose oval face blue eyes thin lips shopping center supermarket armchair english teacher sunrise bus stop

imagine that you are quite far away, living in a gray world, not being able to see the difference between red and blue or yellow and green pole. that's what poor harbin's life is like. he was born with an irreversible condition called achromatopsia, or complete color blindness. it would make life difficult for anyone, an incredible thing. he paints.

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