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Переведите 3 строки торнадо в миссисипи прошелся по железной дороге и подняв товарный состав откинул его на 24 метра. - что вы почувствовали, когда вас подняла воронка? - при столкновении с землей что произошло? - за информацию. с вами был андрей тупицын, первый канал.

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Tornado in mississippi walked on the railroad and raising a freight train threw it at 24 meters.- how did you feel when you put up a funnel? - at collision with the earth what happened? - thanks for the info. you was andrei tupitsyn, the first channel.

1.yes, i do . we are a friendly and happy family. 2.yes, they do . they trust me and i try not to let them down. 3.no , i don't. i try to control my temper. 4.no , i am not . i obey my parents and such situations seldom happen. 5.when i was two years younger i was grounded for one day because i missed history lesson. 6.yes, i do . i always try to obey them. 7.yes, i do . i think i am a good child for my parents. but it is better to listen to their opinion. 8.no , they aren't. they are calm and easy -going. 9.yes, they do. they always keep their promises and sometimes when they can't do something they promise i never offend because they don't promise what they can't do. 10.no , they aren't. they are kind and fair. 11.no , i don't. i usually say what i don't like and we try to solve the problem. slamming the door can't solve the problems with my parents. 12. yes, i can . i can rely on my parents. 13.yes, they can . 14.yes, they are. i can say nothing and they can understand my mood looking into my eyes. 15. yes, they do. but i try to solve my problems myself.

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