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Разгадай кроссворд.по горизонтали: you wear these on your hands.they look like skates.your wear it when you ride a bike.п о вертикали: you can talk on this.you can play it.you take pictures with this.you can open doors with these.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. gloves (перчатки) 2. rollers (ролики) 3. helmet (шлем) 4. mobile phone (телефон) 5. cds (компакт-диск) 6. camera (фотоаппарат) 7. keys (ключи )

Part 1.   at the  lesgaft state university ? 2)  does jack  play hockey ? 3) do yo want to be famous? 4) do you have  training sessions/  training sessions five times a week  ? 5) does she  train in the sports  center ? 6) do you  train under a coach ? 7) do you  often  win prizes ? 8)  do you exercises every morning ? 9) do they  often fake part in city competitions ? part 2. 1) where do you live ? 2)  how often you  have training sessions ? 3)  where you usually   have dinner ? 4)  where you study  english  ? 5)  what time she phone me ? 6)  how often it rain    in st. petersburg ? 7)  how much money they have ? 8)  what kind of books he like to  read ? будут вопросы -  пиши.

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