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Give 3 forms of the following verbs: to read to write to be to have to do to make to begin to think to know to speak to tell to get to give to take to lose to leave to come to become to choose to feel to see to find to teach

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) to read - read - read 2)to write, wrote, written 3)to be, was/were, been 4)to have, had, had 5) to do, did, done 6) to make, made, made 7) to begin, began, begun 8) to think, thought, thought 9) to know, knew, known 10) to speak, spoke, spoken 11) to tell, told, told 12) to get, get, get 13) to give, gave, given 14) to take, took, taken 15) to lose, lost, lost 16) to leave, leaved, leaved 17) to come, came, come 18) to become, became, become 19) to choose, chose, chosen 20) to feel? 21) to see, saw, seen 22) find, found, found 23)to teach?

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