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Переведите на -добрый день. -. -вы живёте в городе? -да. -вы не можете уделить немного времени и ответить на мои вопросы? -хорошо спрашивайте. -вам нравится жить в городе? -и да и нет. -почему да? -потому что в городе есть театры цирк кинотеатры. можно передвигаться на трамваях троллейбусах такси . -а почему нет? -потому что из-за большого количества машин воздух в городе загрязнён. - за ваши ответы,до свидания! -до свидания!

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

Good afternoon. hello. -you live in the city? yes. -you can't take the time and answer my questions? -well ask. -you like to live in the city? -yes and no. -why yes? -because in the city there are theatres, circus, cinemas. you can travel by trams, trolley buses, taxis . -and why not? -because of the large number of machines, the air in the city is polluted. -thanks for your answers,bye! -good-bye!

all of her belongings were in a suitcase. 2. athletics is very popular nowadays. 3. aerobics does people a lot of good. 4. chocolate makes you put on weight. 5. most people enjoy easter. 6. the money she makes is enough for her. 7. the police is looking for the murderer. 8. his good looks get him what he wants. 9. the government is passing new laws. 10. her knowledge of english is very good. 11. measles, which is a children’s disease, is dangerous for adults. 12. the audience was given free tickets. 13. the economics is very interesting. 14. his death was a great shock. 15. fish is easy to look after as pets. 16. radio news give us less information than television news. 17. the stairs to the ground floor was over there. 18. the information was very helpful. 19. his glass is on the table. 20. there is toast on the dish.


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