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englishlanguage is necessaryfor everyone.without itwill not getraisethe ladder, you can notunderstand theinstallation of computerprograms that do notunderstand, about whatis sungin a favoritesong.it is definitelymotivating.but for me,much more importantto enjoyteaching.it is hard todescribe mystate whenyou realize thatsomethingreallyteach a child,teenager,adult.fewhave experiencedthe feelingof satisfaction andpride-a well-deservedprideand satisfactionthatcan not be comparedwith anything! very processof teachingincludesfour aspects: quality,interest, discipline andsincerity.in my case,alwaysoutweighs thelatter: ilove to laughwith his disciplesand tellingfunnystoriesaboutthemselves, discusspreciselythe topics thatinterest them, singtheirfavorite songs, watchtheirfavorite movies,spend time with themoutside the classroom, to putthe "hearts"under theirphotographs.through this trainingtakes placewith pleasure andeven theboring stuffgets interesting.

'egypt is a beautiful country,' began the inspector.'yes, that's true, but we are travelling so quickly,' replied passepartout.'why are you travelling so quickly? surely you can't see egypt in only a few days.''my master wants to travel around the world in eighty ' he said, looking at the detective's confused face.'i know, it's complete madness.''well, your master unusual man, but i imagine he must be very rich to try to do a journey like that in such a short time.''to tell you the truth, he has the money he needs. ? ''yes, we are.sorry, not to introduce myself.my name's jean passepartout.i'm sure we'll see each other again.' passepartout touched his hat and waved goodbye.his conversation with passepartout made inspector fix feel even more certain that phileas fogg was the thief. 'i must stop him,' he thought.

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