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Задайте общий и специальный вопрос по i played the piano 2 days . she watched tv yesterday. we went to school yesterday

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Did i play the piano 2 days? how many days did i play the piano? did she watch tv yesterday? when did she watch tv? did we go to school yesterday? when did we go to school?

1. he will become an architect after he graduates from the university.2. i will have to  stop my daughter before she gets into trouble.  3. will the new president  make any changes in the country’s policy when he comes to power?   4. mum will visit you when the baby-sitter arrives.5. she will relax after she hears the results of the interview.6. my elder sister often developes a strong headache when the weather changes.  7.  tonight the old man will go to bed as soon as the sun sets.  8. he will not  buy a new car until the company pays him all the money it owes him.  9. the refugees will be able to stay here till some urgent measures are taken  10. the information will be studied carefully as soon as it is delivered.  11. many people will be happy when this ugly war comes to an end.  12. little fred will not be able to leave the house till his mother comes back and unlocks the door.13. life will seem wonderful to you again as soon as all your worries are over.  14. the weather certainly will change for the better after the rain stops and the sky clears up.  15. he will not recover soon unless he takes the prescribed medicine.

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