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1. where did elmer live? 2. did he remember the events of 1066? 3. what did his uncle think about the normans? 4. what did elmer think about the normans? 5. where did the boys decide to go? 6. who was hereward the wake? 7. where was the english camp? 8. why couldn't the normans get to the english camp? 9. what did the normans build? 10. who helped the normans build it? 11. why did the normans decide to use a witch? 12. how did elmer help his friends? 13. why did hereward, elmer and sigurd have to run away? 14. what happened to elmer in the end? 15. what has the ring brought to its owner in this story?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. during the world war ii russians  proved  courage many times. во время второй мировой войны россияне много раз доказали своё мужество.  2. yesterday my  wisdom tooth  was aching. i had to go to the doctor. вчера у меня болел зуб мудрости. мне пришлось идти к врачу.  3. it proved to be a very  wise  decision. это решение оказалось мудрым.  4. she has to  confess  that she made a mistake. она вынуждена признаться, что совершила ошибку.  5.  scientists  are people who invent something unusual. ученые-это люди, которые придумывают что-то необычное.  6.  architects  plan and design convenient towns and houses for us. архитекторы планируют и разрабатывают для нас удобные (комфортные) города и дома.  7. he is  a man  of great wisdom. он мудрец. (дословно: он человек великой мудрости).  8. i will help you,  however  busy i am. я тебе, хотя  я занят.

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