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Переведите на (в переводчике не переводить проверяю) 1.23 февраля у меня день рождение 2.что она прошептала вчера ему на ухо? я не слышал 3.шофёр закрыл дверь, не сказав ни слова 4.чем питаються птицы? они питаются насекомыми, червяками, и зерном 5.это было чтото ужасное 6.я ужасно голоден 7.ему было стыдно 8.иди и переодень платье! оно не чистое 9."я никогда его раньше не видела! "- прошептала девочка смотря на тигра 10.можешь ты сказать мне, сколько минут в одном часе? в часе 60 минут 11.они были любопытны и начали задавальщик ему массу вопросов

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. february the 23d is my birthday.2. what did she whisper in his ear yesterday? i did not hear.3. the driver closed the door without saying a word.4. what do birds feed on? they feed on insects, worms, berries and grain.5. it was something terrible.6. i'm awfly hungry.7. he was ashamed.8. go and change the dress! it is not very clean.9. "i've never seen it before! " -  whispered the girl, looking at the tiger.10. can you tell me how many minutes there are in an/the hour? there are 60 minutes in an/the hour.11. they were inquisitive and started asking him a lot of questions.

1.23 feb my birthday2.she whispered yesterday in his ear? i have not heard  3.the chauffeur closed the door, not saying a word4.pitajutsja than birds? they feed on insects, worms, berries and grain5.it was something terrible6.i'm starving7.he was ashamed8.go and change your dress! it is not very clean9."i'd never seen! "- whispered the girl looking at tiger10.can you tell me how many minutes are in one hour? an hour has 60 minutes11.they were curious and started zadavalis him a lot of questions


don't you

can't he

doesn't she

isn't he

doesn't she

does she

did he

did they

isn't he

didn't she

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