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Fill in a modal or a synonymous expression and the appropriate form of the verbs. 1. i’m getting fat. i really … (try) to lose some weight, like the doctor said. 2. what a lovely day! …(we/go) for a walk? 3. i’m not sure where gary is. he … (be) in the library. 4. that … (not/be) bill’s car. he doesn’t own one. 5. tom …(sleep) but i’m not sure. why don’t you go and see? 6. don’t worry. you … (not/dress) formally for the party. 7. if you wanted to borrow my car, you … (ask) me. 8. this dog … (belong) to harry. it’s got its address on its collar. 9. only authorized personnel … (enter) this area. 10. you … (not/smoke) in some public places. 11. i saw john in the town centre this morning. he … (go) to spain yet. 12. fortunately he …(convince) the police that he was innocent. 13. tom drives really well now. he … (pass) his driving test easily. 14. she … (be) at the party last night. she was ill. 15. they … (announce) the winners on march 16th. it’s scheduled. 16. she … (start) working on monday. the manager has told her to. 17. i missed the film last night because i … (work) late. 18. everyone in the world … (have) food and shelter. 19. you … (comply) with the regulations. we expect you to do so. 20. people … (treat) animals in a better way but they don’t always do so.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i’m getting fat. i really … (must try) to lose some weight, like the doctor said. 2. what a lovely day! …(shall we go) for a walk? 3. i’m not sure where gary is. he … (may/might be) in the library. 4. that … (can not be) bill’s car. he doesn’t own one. 5. tom …(may be sleeping) but i’m not sure. why don’t you go and see? 6. don’t worry. you … (need not dress) formally for the party. 7. if you wanted to borrow my car, you … (could ask) me. 8. this dog … (must belong) to harry. it’s got its address on its collar. 9. only authorized personnel … (can enter) this area. 10. you … (must not smoke) in some public places. 11. i saw john in the town centre this morning. he … (hadn't gone) to spain yet. 12. fortunately he …(was able to convince) the police that he was innocent. 13. tom drives really well now. he … (can/could pass) his driving test easily. 14. she … (couldn't be) at the party last night. she was ill. 15. they … (are to announce) the winners on march 16th. it’s scheduled. 16. she … (is to start) working on monday. the manager has told her to. 17. i missed the film last night because i … (had to work) late. 18. everyone in the world … (must have) food and shelter. 19. you … (are to comply) with the regulations. we expect you to do so. 20. people … (should treat) animals in a better way but they don’t always do so.

Дэвид бэкхэм - спортсмен. футбол это его первая любовь. у него хорошая карьера(это если дословно,лучше сказать успешная). он футбольная суперзвезда. многие журналисты в разных странах пишут про него. его фото можно увидеть во многих журналах и газетах. молодые люди часто говорят о нем и делают фото. вторая любовь дэвида - машины. у него их семь. его люьбимая машина - мэрсэдэс. дэвид женат. его жену зовут виктория. у них четверо детей. трех сыновей зовут - бруклин, romoe(не знаю как по-) и круз, а дочь зовут харпер. дэвид хороший муж и отец. если он играет в футбол заграницей,то он всегда звонит своей семье. он любит свою жену и своих детей.

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