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Ответы на вопрос:

Напиши где он родился,где жил,в каком году родился и умер,что делал на протяжении всей жизни и от чего умер

1) — the hill is so high!

- it's the highest  hill i have ever climbed.

2) — the cake is so tasty!

— it's the tastiest cake i have ever made.

3) — she is such a talented actress!

— she's the most talented actress i have ever met.

4) — this text is so difficult!

— it's the most difficult text i have ever read.

5) – jack’s pronunciation is so beautiful!

- jack’s pronunciation is the most beautiful i have ever heard.

6) – the dance concert is so interesting!

- it’s the most interesting dance concert i have ever taken part in.

Популярно: Английский язык