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Put the following sentences into the passive voice: 1. we heat the house by gas. 3. people may keep books from the library for a fortnight. after that they must return them. 5. everyone expected him to pass his exams well. 7. we shall throw out the mushrooms if they are poisonous. 9. nobody had warned me

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The house is heated by gas. books may be kept from the library for a fortnight. they must be returned after that. he was expected that all his exams would be passed well. the mushrooms shall be out is they are poisonous. i had not been warned

When I grow up, I want to work as a designer. This is an interesting creative profession in which you can show your imagination. To be a good designer, you need to have talent and a developed imagination. People in this profession always come up with something new: suits, bags, shoes or household items. You can be a designer of clothes or premises, a designer of furniture, curtains, advertising and much more.

Когда я вырасту, я хочу работать дизайнером. Это интересная творческая профессия, в которой можно проявить фантазию. Чтобы быть хорошим дизайнером, нужно иметь талант и развитое воображение. Люди этой профессии всегда придумывают что-то новое: костюмы, сумки, обувь или домашние принадлежности. Можно быть дизайнером одежды или помещения, дизайнером мебели, штор, рекламы и ещё много чего.

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