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What does he do? where does he come from? where does he live? where does he work? does he speak foreign languages? what languages does he speak? is he married? does he have children? how many children does he have? what does he like doing in his free time

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Ответы на вопрос:

Что он делает? откуда он приехал? где он живёт? где он работает? говорит ли он на иностранных языках? на каких языках он говорит? он женат? у него есть дети? сколько у него детей? что он любит делать в свободное время?


1. Have you ever

2. been

3. 've been

4. visited

5. went

6. Did

7. enjoy

8. had

9. gone

10. Did

11. say

12. didn't

13. phoned

14. gone


2. Marco and Luis have been studying English for three years.

3. My son has had this bike for six months.

4. She's been working for the company since July.

5. They've been living in their flat for ten years.

6. I liked this band since I was a child.

7. We've been waiting for the train for two hours.

8. I've known my boss for five years.

5. Make questions about the words in bold using How long...? or How many...?

2.  How long has she been living in Moscow?

3. How long have they been chatting online?

4. How many art galleries has he visited?

5. How many English teachers have you had?

6.  How long have you had your laptop?

7. How many companies has he worked for?

8. How long has she been working?


2. A  healthy-> health

3. N fame-> famous

4 A   honest-> honesty

.5. N sadness -> sad

6. A patient -> patience

7. N  nature -> natural

8. N comfort -> comfortable

9. A  fashionable -> fashion

10. A traditional -> tradition

11. N activity -> active

12. A  popular -> popularity

13. N  confidence -> confident

14. A   possible -> possibility

15. N  modesty-> modest

16. A  adventurous -> adventure


2. recommend

3. sounds

4. best

5. get

6. it's

7. to take

8. go

9. to see

10. to know

11. tips

12. should

13. bother

14. seeing

15. it

16. buy

17. that's

Популярно: Английский язык