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Present perfect simple vs present perfect continuous i. put the verbs in brackets into present perfect simple or present perfect continuous don't walk in here. i …/clean) the floor.jane is hungry. she … /eat) anything for six hours.she is tired. she …) for four hours.i don't want to see that film again. i …) it twice already.sandy …) english for 10 years.chris …/do) the washing up yet.he …) all the morning.) in the garden for two hours. ii. put the verbs in brackets into present perfect simple or present perfect continuous 1.a: where's peter? b: he …/leave) for work. 2.a: why are you tired? b: ) football. 3.a: is paul studying in his room? b: yes, he …) since 4: 00. 4.a: how is jim? b: i don't know. i …/speak) to him since monday. 5.a: let's go out to eat tonight. b: how about tomorrow night? /cook)dinner. 6.a: i am going to the cinema. b: again! you …)three films this week. 7.a: have you finished the book that i lent you? b: no, i …) it yet. 8.a: has diana lost weight? b: yes,she …) for six months. 9.a: does tom work at mlt limited? b: yes, he …) at that company for ten years. 10.a: do john and andy live in spain? b: yes, )in spain since 1997. iii. complete the dialogue by putting the verbs into present perfect or present perfect continuous tom: hello, peter. i 1)(not/ you for ages. what 2) (do) ( peter: i 3)( a film company. it”s very interesting. tom: 4)( you films? peter: yes, 5)( make) two films about south-east asia for the last two months. i 6)( on a film about the islands in the pacific tom: 7) ( the islands? peter: of course. and the film will be about underwater life around the islands. so i 8)( lessons. i 9) ( that. tom: you 10)( really interesting job.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1peter: you (have been telephoning) for ages. have you not nearly (finished)? jack: i (have not got) through yet. i (have been trying) to get our paris office but the line (has been ) engaged all morning. 2 ann (has failed) her driving test three times because she's so bad at reversing. but she (has been practising) reversing for the last week and i think she (has got) a bit better at it. 3 tom: i have often (wondered) why bill left the country so suddenly. peter: actually, i have just (found) out. 4 he (has been playing) the bagpipes since six o'clock this morning. he has only just (stopped). 5 why have you (not brought) me the letters for signature? have you (not typed) them yet? 6 tom (looking up absent-mindedly as mary comes in): have you been (sunbathing)? mary (crossly): don't be ridiculous! it (has been raining) all day! 7 a pair of robins (have been building) a nest in the porch since last week. i (have been watching them from my window since they began. 8 the police (have not found) the murderer yet, but the dead man's brother (has been) in the station all day. the police say that he (has been helping) them with their enquiries. 9 they (have pulled) down most of the houses in this street, but they (have not touched) the old shop at the corner yet. 10 tom is convinced that there is gold in these hills but we (have been searching) for six months and (have not seen) any sign of it. 11 i (have been waiting) for the prices of the houses to come down before buying a house, but i think i (have been waiting) too long and the prices are beginning to go up again. 12 peter (has been) a junior clerk for three years. lately he (has been looking) for a better post but so far he (has not found) anything.

1предложение: is  - present  simple - to be 2 предл-е : was founded -passive past simple - to be founded 3 : were brought -  passive past simple - to be brought      to build - present simple - to build4 : was - past simple - to be5 : was  - past simple - to be      went on - past simple -to go  on6 : became -  past simple - to become7 : grew - past simple - to grow8:   were brought -  passive past simple - to be brought    to lay - present simple - to lay9:   were constructed -  passive past simple - to be constructed10: were - past simple - to be11: began - past simple - to begin12: was changed -  passive past simple - to be changed13:   was renamed  -  passive past simple - to be renamed14:   suffered    - past simple - to suffer15:   laid  - past simple - to lay        was cut -  passive past simple - to be cut16:   could -  past simple - can        be brought - passive voce - to  be brought      died- past simple - to die17:   destroyed - past simple - to destroy        were killed -  passive past simple - to be killed18:   took -  past simple - to take

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