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resund bridge imagine driving along a bridge that is so long that you can't even ( other end. the  resund bridge, one of the ( in the world, ( far ahead into the ( you can't even tell where the blue of the water ( blue of the sky. the  resund bridge is an amazing example of modern engineering design that ( scandinavian countries of denmark and sweden. it is 8 kilometers long and was ( july 2000. it crosses the flinte channel, the chilly waterway (7)… two countries. at one stage the bridge turns ( tunnel under the sea. this tunnel is also a ( in its own right as it is the longest road and rail tunnel in the world. the engineers built an artificial island near the danish coast that ( support part of the bridge ( well as being the point at which the road disappears ( before coming out in copenhagen, the capital of denmark. the bridge, which was built ( the two countries, is expected to bring huge advantages. it will ( compared to traditional ferry connections, as well as being of (15)…… the economy of both countries. 1 a longest в furthest с deepest d hardest 2 a travels в leans с stretches d pulls 3 a space в distance с horizon d range 4 a comes в meets с lines d starts 5 a links в contacts с holds d relates 6 a done в ended с brought d completed 7 a splitting в cutting с breaking d separating 8 a down в into с out d back 9 a performance в world с record d account 10 a helps в aids с attempts d tries 11 a scheme в plan с structure d form 12 a down в underground с below d underneath 13 a commonly в doubly с similarly d jointly 14 a save в spare с spend d spread 15 a good в benefit с quality d comfort

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