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Перевести 1. i wish you were with us these days. 2. my friend wishes he had entered the university. 3. he wished he had had enough time to finish his paper. 4. i wish we were able to reach home before tea-time. 5. i wish i had not made you upset by telling you this news. 6. i wish you knew enough physics. 7. i wish they returned before christmas. 8. the student wished he had studied the material better and shown better knowledge at the examination. 9. i wish you had sent for us last night.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. я хочу чтобы ты был с нами в эти дни. 2. мой друг желает поступить в университет. 3. он хочет чтобы у него было достаточно времени чтобы закончить свою статью. 4. я желаю чтобы мы смогли добраться до того времени чая. 5. жаль что я не сделал вы расстроены говоря вам эту новость

Ex - 3

2. Are you going to watch TV tonight?

3. What are you going to watch?

4. When they going to do their homework?

5. Where we going to go on holiday this year?

Ex - 4

2. E

3. B

4. A

5. C

Ex - 5

Are you going to watch TV tonight? - Yes, i'm

What are you going to watch? - I don't know, maybe cartoons

When they going to do their homework? - I don't know, i thing tomorrow

Where we going to go on holiday this year? - I want go to the England

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