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Переведите басню the grasshopper and ant

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На : one summer day a grasshopper was singing and chirping and hopping about. he was having a wonderful time. he saw an ant who was busy gathering and storing grain for the winter. "stop and talk to me," said the grasshopper. "we can sing some songs and dance a while." "oh no," said the ant. "winter is coming. i am storing up food for the winter. i think you should do the same." "oh, i can't be bothered," said the grasshopper. "winter is a long time off. there is plenty of food." so the grasshopper continued to dance and sing and chip and the ant continued to work. when winter came the grasshopper had no food and was starving. he went to the ant's house and asked, "can i have some wheat or maybe a few kernels of corn. without it i will starve," whined the grasshopper. "you danced last summer," said the ants in disgust. "you can continue to dance." and they gave him no food. there is a time to work and a time to play. на : попрыгунья стрекоза лето красное пропела; оглянуться не успела, как зима катит в глаза. помертвело чисто поле; нет уж дней тех светлых боле, как под каждым ей листком был готов и стол и дом. всё прошло: с зимой холодной нужда, голод настает; стрекоза уж не поет: и кому же в ум пойдет на желудок петь голодный! злой тоской удручена, к муравью ползет она: "не оставь меня, кум милый! дай ты мне собраться с силой и до вешних только дней прокорми и обогрей! "- "кумушка, мне странно это: да работала ль ты в лето? "- говорит ей муравей. "до того ль, голубчик, было? в мягких муравах у нас - песни, резвость всякий час, так что голову вскружило".- "а, так " - "я без души лето целое всё пела".- "ты всё пела? это дело: так пойди же, попляши! "

Ilike to go to school.a school is the place where you can receive knowledge, communicate with friends and classmates.a man spend the most important years of his life at school.every pearson will remember the school years as  lighter stages of life.

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