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Выберите правильную степень сравнения. переведите предложения. 1. the hotel was surprisingly big. i expected it to be… a) small b) smaller c) the smallest 2. she isn't as… as she looks. ' a) old b) older c) the oldest 3. we stayed at … hotel in the town. a) cheap b) cheaper c) the cheapest

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)комната была на удивление большой. я ожидал,что она будет меньше(smaller) 2)она не настолько взрослая как она выглядит(old)(не могу сделать более перевод) 3)мы остановились в самом дешёвом отеле в городе(the cheapest)

1. b. n. is on the fifth of november. 2. b.n.is also known as guy fawkes night. 3. many people in the uk celebrate b. n. with their families and friends. 4. the history of b.n. begins with the events of the 5th of november 1605. 5. guy fawkes and his friends tried to blow up the houses of parliament. 6. their plan was known as the gunpowder plot, 7. they failed. 8. guy fawkes and his friends were arrested, found guilty and sentenced to death. 9. on this day people light bonfires after dark. 10. they let off fireworks.

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