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Read the table "the grasshopper and the ant" again.write the sentences in the right order.a)the grasshopper saw an ant.b)the grasshopper didn't like the idea.c)a grasshopper lived in the green grass near a high hill.d)he had a big sack on his back.e)soon winter came.f)i'm collecting food for winter.g)he didn't work and he didn't think about food.h)why are youl working on such a lovely day? i)if you do not work in summer,you have no food in winter.что надо тут делать?

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Мальчики из нашей школы условились встретиться в два часа дня не так-ли? -the boys from our school have agreed to meet in two hours of the day doesn't it? ты отвечаешь за отвлекательную программу не так-ли? -you are responsible for uvlekatelnuyu program doesn't it?

Популярно: Английский язык