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Переведите на язык 1)нет,мне не интересно следить за ,у меня свой вкус в стиле. 2)не все,но некоторые подростки следят за трендом и пытаются одеваться всегда модно. 3)моей маме не всегда нравится мой стиль в одежде,но все же,у меня свой вкус и я не слушаю мнение окружающих 4)мне нравится выглядеть модно,потому что это красиво 5)я люблю брендовую одежду,в ней я чувствую себя более уверенной и к тому же,она качественная

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) no, i'm not interested to follow the trends, i have my own taste in style. 2) not all, but some young people follow the trend and try to dress is always fashionable. 3) my mother do not always like my style of dress, but still, i have my own taste and i do not listen to the opinions of others 4) i like to look fashionable, because it is beautiful 5) i like branded clothes, there i feel more confident and in addition, it is quality

So, you are students of south-russia state technical university. the academic year consists of two terms: the autumn term and the spring term.  january and june the students have their examinations. the students study hard and have no free time on week days. the rapid expansion in information- technology is reflected strongly in the teaching and research programmes of the university. most students use computers as an essential part of their courses. a lot of students of our university take part in social life of the university. there are different sports clubs at our university, such as track-and-field athletics, gymnastics, basketball, volley-ball, football, wrestling, boxing and others. there are european and world champions among the students of our university.

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