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С7 класс вставте слова в предложения happens harder magic it to the best of us. there is no bullet for doing physics. just try a little

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Happens harder magic вот так

  i can run fast if i want.

she had to go home very  quickly because she  it was too  late and dark

he had done his homework carefully  before  he went  there.

tomorrow the sun will shinebrightly and  it will not be windy.

usually i get upearlyin the morning. but today he felt  badly  and  could not go anywhere.

suddenly they saw  ahigh  tree  not far from their place.

sometimes  children playnoisily  outside    and  i  can*t  write my poems  here.

healways speaks verypolitelyandslowly.

it was longago i  was going quietlyalong a wide street when a man began to readaloudin a low voice one of my poems. many people  standing  around  told  me that they were happy to listen to my poems very much.

once    there lived a beautiful princess. she had to stay  inside a high towernearly all her life.

imagine! i haven*t seen himsince my childhood and  i * ve just methim  on the bus stop.

he   oftenwrites  compositions  correctlyand  well enough.

weeklywe see  a lot of balloons    above  the houses  they are flying     nicely in the sky

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