Спереводом: 1) встреча глав двух государств состоялась в прошлом году . 2) мы недавно ходили в музей и получили огромное впечатление . 3) вальтер скотт считается отцом романа . 4) парламент расположен в здании на центральной площади . 5) люди не забыли битву за берлин . 6) все туристы останавливаются , чтобы взглянуть на этот памятник . 7) в нашей школе есть замечательный учитель . 8) мой приятель любит фильмы и никогда не пропускает новый фильм . 9) 1945 год был годом для нашей страны . 10) давай взглянем на эти события в их контексте . 11) мне нравятся уроки , по-моему , это один из самых интересных уроков .

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) the historic meeting of the two presidents took place last year. 2) we recently went to the historical museum and gotgreat impression. 3) walter scott is considered the father of the historical novel. 4) parliament is a historic building in the central square.5) people have not forgotten the historic battle for berlin. 6) all the tourists stop to take a look at this historical monument. 7) in our school we have a wonderful history teacher. 8) my friend loves historical films and never miss a new film. 9) 1945 was a historic year for our country. 10) let's take a look at these events in their historical context. 11) i really like the lessons of history, in my opinion, it is one of the most interesting lessons

If the guest did something with their own hands, then he gave it a lot of time and prepared for the name of the friend in advance. at first i determined what interests the birthday person most. and then he did his best to prepare a surprise for himself. it can be a homemade card with sincere wishes, a hand-made souvenir, a frame for your favorite shared photo. to such a thing a friend will treat with special respect and accuracy. a gift made by one's own hands is not only intended for your friend, but it also carries the warmth of the donor's heart. after all, the one who made the gift, put a piece of his soul into it. looking at your craft, the birthday boy will smile and think about you and your strong friendship. i very much hope that my grandfather managed to convince the granddaughter that it is better to give something done by oneself than to buy a soulless thing in the store.

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