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Сартиклями exercise 1.6. insert (вставьте) the article where necessary: three men came new york holiday. they came very large hotel and room there. their room was forty-fifth floor. friends went theatre and came back hotel very late. «i am very sorry,» clerk hotel, « lifts do not work tonight. if you don't want to walk up to your room, we shall beds for you hall.» «no, no,» said one friends, «no, thank you. we don't want to sleep hall. we shall walk up to our room.» then he turned to his friends and said: «it is not easy to walk up forty-fifth floor, but we shall make it easier. way room i shall tell you some jokes; then you, andy, will sing us some songs; then you, peter, will tell us some interesting stories.» so they began walking up to their room. tom told them many jokes; andy sang some songs. at last they came thirty sixth floor. they were tired and decided to rest. «well,» said tom, «now it is your turn, peter. after jokes, i would like to sad story. tell long and interesting story end.» « story which i am going to tell you,» said peter, «is sad enough. we key to our room .»

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Three men came to new york for a holiday. they came to a very large hotel and took a room there. their room was on the forty-fifth floor. in the evening the friends went to the theatre and came back to the hotel very late. "i am very sorry," said the clerk of the hotel, "but the lifts do not work tonight. if you don't want to walk up to your room, we shall make beds for you in the hall." "no, no," said one of the friends, "no, thank you. we don't want to sleep in the hall. we shall walk up to our room." then he turned to his friends and said, "it is not easy to walk up to the forty-fifth floor, but we shall make it easier. on the way to the room i shall tell you some jokes; then you, andy, will sing us some songs; then you, peter, will tell us some interesting stories." so they began walking up to their room. tom told them many jokes; andy sang some songs. at last they came to the thirty-sixth floor. they were tired and decided to have a rest. "well," said tom, "now it is your turn, peter. after all the jokes, i would like to hear a sad story. tell us a long and interesting story with a sad end." "the story which i am going to tell you," said peter, "is sad enough. we left the key to our room in the hall."

1) don't come without knocking 2) don't leave the door opening 3) don't shut the windows 4) don't touch my notebook 5) don't remove my things 6) don't lie on my bed 7) don't switch on my player 8) don't switch off my tv 9) don't take my books and copybooks 10) don't enter my room if i am out 1) не входите без стука 2) не оставляйте дверь открытой 3) не закрывайте окна 4) не трогайте мой ноутбук 5) не передвигайте мои вещи 6) не лежите на моей постели 7) не включайте мой плеер 8) не выключайте мой телевизор 9) не берите мои книги и тетради 10) не входите в мою комнату, если меня нет дома

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