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Написать несколько предложений о том что я ем на завтрак,обед, от лица девочки если что=))

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Ответы на вопрос:

for breakfast i eat porridge for lunch i love to eat soup and drink tea, for dinner i eat salads and drink kefir. (на завтрак я ем кашу, на обед я люблю есть суп и пить чай, на ужин я ем салаты и пью кефир.) вроде так..

1) w hat   is his name? - he is rob.2) where is he from? where  is his father from ? - they are from boston.3) what time is it? - it's two o'clock in the afternoon.4) where is his dad?   - his dad is in the park.5) - i can see ann. and where is her dog? - it is by its  doghouse. 

Популярно: Английский язык