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Переведите текст на : ! меня зовут варвара . это наша небольшая семья белостоцких. мой дедушка слава и бабушка мария, папа игорь,мама айгуль и конечно же моя любимая старшая сестра ариана. мой дедушка и бабушка любят животных и поэтому они по профессий заслуженные ветеринары всю свою жизнь они посвятили тому что лечили животных. у моего папы профессия связана с тем ,что он строит линий электро передач .а мая мама заботится о пожилых людях она у меня добрая и заботливая.ну а моя любимая сестра учится в 7 классе .люблю свою семью!

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Hi! my name is varvara . this is our little family belostotsky. my grandfather glory and grandmother mary, father igor,mother aigul and of course my big sister ariana. my grandparents love animals and so they professions honored vets all their lives they have dedicated to the fact that the treated animals. my dad's profession is that he builds lines of electro transfers .and my mom takes care of the elderly i have kind and caring.well, my lovely sister is studying in 7th class .i love my family!

1) i do not call them back immediately as it is not widespread in our country to leave messages after you were not able to call for someone.

2) i do not send it back because i choose things to spend money on very carefully.

3) of course i did. as my mother said, you should lend as much money as you are ready to lose and never get them back.

4) i usually feel better because i am relaxed and full of energy to start learning again.

5) i usually remember to give it back and if i don't, they remind me to. the same situation with me lending something to my friends.

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