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8.13. заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав из предложенных предлогов подходящие по смыслу: on, for, of, at, in, between 39 1. which team does he play 2. she put her tracksuit. 3. there's an exciting race taking place the track. 4. i'm not very good running. 5. she's the best player the team. 6. there was a crowd 50,000 the stadium. 7. the result the football match was a 2: 2 draw. 8. the match was england and scotland. 9. a runner-up comes second a race or competition

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) for 2) on 3) on 4) at 5) in 6) of; at; 7) of; 8) between; 9) in.

A: oh they haven't got any burgers.     o, у них нет бургеров. b: have they got any sandwichers?       а сэндвичи у них есть? a: yes! do you want some lemonade too?       да! а хочешь ещё немного лимонада? b: no, thank you. can i have some coke, please?       нет, . можно немного кока-колы? a: they haven't got any coke. what about some orange juice?       у них нет кока-колы. может быть немного апельсинового сока? b: ok (хорошо).

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