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Переведите предложения: 1) -я звонил тебе вчера, но ты не ответил. -да, я вчера гулял в это время. я гулял два часа перед сном. 2) когда бы лиза не готовила, она всегда готовит прекрасно. 3)ты сыграешь на гитаре, если я буду петь? 4) металлы плавятся при высоких температурах. 5) -где ты купила эту ручку? -я не помню. -а зачем ты её купила? -я слышала, что такие ручки хорошо пишут 6) джон почти никогда не ходил на стадион. 7) вчера у меня был удивительный день: что бы я ни делала, у меня прекрасно получалось. я закончила сочинение, купила маме подарок и сама сделала открытку к её дню рождения. 8) когда мы жили у бабушки, мы обычно ели овсянка на завтрак. 9) мне сказали, что он предпочитает французский итальянскому. 10) когда ты ходила в библиотеку в последний раз?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Уже было на сайтах рунета.1. ‒ i called for you yesterday but you didn't answer. ‒ yes, yesterday i was walking at the time. i had been walking for two hours before bedtime. 2. when lisa wouldn't cook, she always cooked perfectly.  3. will you play the guitar if i sing?   4. metals melt at high temperatures.  5. where did you buy this pen? ‒ i don't remember. ‒ why did you buy it? -  i heard these pens writimg very well.  6. john almost never goes to the stadium.  7. yesterday i had an amazing day: what would i have done, i was great at it. i finished an essay, i bought my mother a gift and made a card for her birthday myself.  8. when we were living with my grandmother we usually had porridge for breakfast.  9. i was told him to prefer french to italian.  10. when did you go to the library last time? удачи тебе : )

Icalled you yesterday but you didn't answer. -yes, yesterday i was walking at this time. i walked for two hours before bedtime.2) whenever lisa was not prepared, she always prepares well.3)you play the guitar if i sing? 4) metals melt at high temperatures.5) where did you buy this pen? i don't remember. -why did you buy it? -i heard such pens write well6) john almost never went to the stadium.7) yesterday i had an amazing day: no matter what i do, i have perfectly worked. i finished writing, i bought my mom a gift and she made a card for her birthday.8) when we lived with my grandmother, we usually ate oatmeal for breakfast.9) told me he prefers french italian.10) when you went to the library last?

Icalled my friend and offered to ride a bike near the park, i followed him and we rode around the park. it was very fun especially on the bike because it's easier to ride and interesting on a bicycle. я составил тебе рассказ где вы с другом катаетесь на велике около парка

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