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Leonardo da vinci was born april 15, 1452 in the village of anchiano near the small town of vinci, near florence in "three o'clock" that is at 22: 30 on contemporary countdown. a remarkable entry in the diary of leonardo's grandfather, antonio da vinci (1372-1468) (literal translation): "on saturday, at three o'clock on 15 april was born my grandson, son of my son piero. the boy was named leonardo.

Профессия строителя является древней. архитектурным постройкам мы можем многое узнать о быте и культуре предков. до наших дней дошло немало сооружений, возраст которых измеряется тысячелетиями. свой опыт мастера строительного дела передавали из поколения в поколение. каждый год в нашей стране повсеместно возводится большое количество различных построек. это и жилые комплексы, и коттеджные поселки, учреждения, промышленные предприятия и т.д. поэтому востребованность профессии строителя очевидна.описание профессии строителя перевод builder's profession is very ancient. due to historical architectural buildings we can learn much about the life and culture of their ancestors. to have survived many structures whose age is measured in millennia. your experience master in civil engineering passed from generation to generation. every year in our country everywhere erected a large number of different buildings. this residential complexes, housing estates, institutions, industrial enterprises, etc. therefore, the demand of builder's profession is obvious.description of the profession of the builder

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