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Перевести текст на . " из людей, чтобы он не говорил, не любит оставаться одни. я не исключение. какие бы увлечения не выбрал человек, он не сможет заменить ими хороших друзей."

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Ответы на вопрос:

none of the people, that he does not speak, does not like to be alone. i'm not an exception. what would hobbies have not chosen people, he will not be able to replace them good friends.

1.  a person talking in a magistrates’ court may appeal against its decision to the crown court. 2. the legal system for england and wales is based on statute law and common law. 3.  the supreme court considers cases presented from the court of appeal. 4.  the evidence convicted by this advocate is very important for the case. 5. do you see that man referred to the prosecutor? 6. look! this witness is giving evidence!

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