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Умоляю choose the appropriate verb forms to complete the sentence. sofia knew that rome (is / was) the capital of italy. we explained that we (will go / would go) on an excursion soon. i knew that alexander pushkin (was born /had been born) in 1799. this information (can be found / can find) on the internet. when we (had met / met), john (had already done / already did) everything for our next class. yesterday we (started / had started) our training only after harris (had returned / returned). a lot of skyscrapers (were built / built) in new york. james died the day before yesterday and (will bury / will be buried) tomorrow. john came up to the table, (sat / had sat) down and began working. tom said they (are organizing / were organizing) a coffee break.

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Ответы на вопрос:

sofia knew that rome was the capital of italy. we explained that we would go on an excursion soon. i knew that alexander pushkin was born in 1799. this information can be found on the internet. when we met, john had already done everything for our next class. yesterday we started our training only after harris had returned. a lot of skyscrapers were built in new york. james died the day before yesterday and will be buried tomorrow. john came up to the table, sat down and began working. tom said they were organizing a coffee break.

pack of cigarettesa day -about 500x-rayirradiationfor the year! temperatureof 700-900degreessmoldering cigarette! smoker's lungswith the experience -black,rottingmass.afterinhalingnicotine enters thebrainin 7seconds.nicotinecauses spasmof vessels,fromheremalnutritionoxygen to tissues.spasmof small vesselsmakes the skinaging.the hazards of smokingin the factthatthere isbad breath, yellowteeth,inflamedthroat,eyesturn redfrom theconstant irritationof smoke.

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