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Перевод предложений мой брат играет на гитаре моя мама не играет в компьютерные игры они ходят в школу твой брат ходит в школу мы смотрим телевизор утром моя сестра пьет чай мы не курим и не пьем кофе его друзья поют песни

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Ответы на вопрос:

Не пиши ответ вон тот ☝️он не правильный: my brother plays guitar my mom does not play computer games they go to school your brother goes to school we watch tv in the morning my sister is drinking tea, we do not smoke and do not drink coffee his friends sing songs.

My brother plays the guitar. my mother doesn't play computer games. they goto school. your brother goes to school. in the morning we are watching tv. in the morning my sister drinks tee. we don't smoke and drink coffee. his friends are singing songs.

1 your

2 his

3 its

4 our

5 her

6 their

Популярно: Английский язык