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Helen … the floor at the moment. a) is mopping b) mops c) has mopped the show … real doctors a) focuses b) features c) draws i sometimes … books from the library. a) miss b) make c) borrow sue is interested … helping animals. a) for b) on c) in an ancient tomb … near mexico city. a) has been discovered b) discovered c) had discovered jack often … books from the library. a) takes b) brings c) borrows you … work tonight. let’s go to the cinema. a) mustn’t b) don’t have to c) oughtn’t my train … at 7 a.m. a) leaves b) will leave c) leave they say life in cities is … than in towns. a) dangerous b) dangerously c) more dangerous there’s only a … pasta, but we’ve got some pie. a) few b) little c) lot i’m hungry. is there … soup left? a) any b) many c) some the pilgrims made a long …. a) travelling b) journey c) voyage henry carter … the lost tomb of tutankhamen. a) founded b) discovered c) opened “the giant … our sheep”, the locals cried. a) stole b) has stolen c) is stolen what … at 8 o’clock last night? a) did he do b) he was doing c) was he doing if the weather … nice, we … with dolphins. a) is, will swim b) will be, swim c) was, will swim that’s a friendly cat … lives next door. a) which b) who c) where … seine is … river in … paris. a) -, a, - b) the, the, - c) the, a, - how can we … money for charity? a) save b) raise c) rise the art gallery … by the president yesterday. a) was opened b) has opened c) is opened.

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Helen (а) is mopping the floor at the moment. the show b) features real doctors i sometimes c) borrow books from the library. sue is interested c) in helping animals. an ancient tomb a) has been discovered near mexico city. jack often a) takes c) borrows books from the library. you b) don’t have work tonight. let’s go to the cinema. my train a) leaves at 7 a.m. they say life in cities is c) more dangerous than in towns. there’s only a b) little pasta, but we’ve got some pie. i’m hungry. is there a) any soup left? the pilgrims made a long c) voyage henry carter b) discovered the lost tomb of tutankhamen. “the giant b) has stolen our sheep”, the locals cried. what c) was he doing at 8 o’clock last night? if the weather is nice, we will swim with dolphins. a) is, will swim that’s a friendly cat a) which lives next door. the seine is a river in paris. c) the, a, - how can we b) raise money for charity? the art gallery a) was opened by the president yesterday.

They work hard  at universityshe trawels  twice a year i write  to my parents every week it usually snows here in winter  the film starts every earlythey dont  work hard  at university she doesnt trawel twice a year i dont write  to my parents every week it    doesnt usually  snow  here in winter  the film doesnt start  every early do they work hard  at university? does she   trawel twice a year? do i write  to my parents every week does it usually  snow  here in winter  does the film  start  every early

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