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Translate the following sentences into english. (переведите предложения на язык). 1.ольга пропустила много занятий в прошлом месяце-она болела. 2.джейн часто приходит в школу поздно-она обычно опаздывает на школьный автобус. 3.я не люблю отдыхать в лагере-я скучаю по родителям и сестрёнке. 4.посмотри! здесь нет пятой страницы! 5.все дети в нашей стране должны ходить в школу.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) olga missed lots of classes last month because she was sick. 2) jane often comes to schools late because she is usually  late for the school bus.  3) i don't like going to summer camp because i miss my parent and my little sister. 4) look! there is no fifth page! 5) all kids in our country must attend school. 

1)olga missed a lot of classes in the last month, she was sick. 2)jane often comes to school late, she is usually late for the school bus. 3)i do not like to have a rest in the camp, i miss my parents and little sister. 4)look! there is no fifth page! 5)all the children in our country have to go to school.

1.merry christmas.2.iam fine thanks.3.i am sorry.4.happy birthday to you.5.good luck.6.have a nice trip.7.get well soon.8.happy new year.

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