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Надо перевести текс на , (без переводчика, грамотно) в последнее время люди редко ходят в библиотеки и мало читают книги.это плохо. книги надо читать, в них много интересного. читая книги вы повышаете свой кругозор и узнаете много интересного.

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Lately, people rarely going to libraly and few reading a books. it's very bad. books need reading, because it's very interesting. reading a books you raise your ken and learn a lot of interesting.

Ilove looking at the starry sky. at such moments you want to dream about something impossible and unrealizable. for example, how it would be great to make friends with the aliens. if my friend was from another planet, i would have probably very scared at first, because it is unknown what powers he may possess. perhaps he will harm not only to me but to the entire planet? but the alien, for sure, would have quickly convinced me that he was very nice and even useful, because it can grant wishes and read minds.

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