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14. give the plural forms of the following nouns if possible. child, window. technology, country, door, brother ,man ,foot,mouse, news, milk, food, information, woman, meal, box, goose, duck, money,body, wife, knife, spoon, ingredient, engineer,newspaper, mother-in-law, family,job, equipment, development ,potato, tomato, lemon, shop, tooth, shelf ,type, rose, watch.

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Children, windows, technologies, countries, doors, brothers, men, feet, mice, news, milk, food, information, women, meals, boxes, geese, ducks, money, bodies, wives, knives, spoons, ingredients, engineers, newspapers, mothers in law, families, jobs, equipment, developments, potatoes, tomatoes, lemons, shops, teeth, shelves, types, roses, watches.

It's an animal. it lives in australia. but it is not kangaroo. it likes leaves. they are really really cute. it's grey and white. it loves trees too. it's not ostrich too. i think you know this animal. ( koala )

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