14.10.2022 15:03
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Представьте что вам предложили написать книгу о норманнах 8-11 вв. вы какими были бы они название книги: название разделов выбор сюжетов и замысел

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4,5(33 оценок)

Среднего роста светлые волосы русые и голубые и зеленые глаза
4,6(29 оценок)

1. the president is also the supreme commander.2. at the beginning of the war the troops struggled to repel the attacks of the enemy.3. the siege of troy, which lasted for many years, became history.4. initially, the troops suffered heavy losses, but then the situation changed radically.5. as a result of the fighting, hundreds of people are made refugees.6. soldiers are taught how to wage a modern war.7. the war was won at a cost of many lives.8. in those days, thousands of people joined the army.9. it is not easy to conduct military operations simultaneously in several areas.10. during the war, he got listed as an mia. as it turned out later, he was captured.

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