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Надо из каждого предложения, сделать типы предложений 1. общий вопрос - это вопрос который требует ответ да или нет 2. специальный вопрос- это вопрос который начинается с вопросительных слов, и требует полного ответа 3. альтернативный - это вопрос где предпологается выбор, в нём используется союз (or) 4. разделительный (пример-you are student,aren*t you? ) i am student. my grandmother was a chemist. my sister will be a nurse. my fater has many books by jack london. we had a lesson in chemistry yesterday.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. are you a student? who are you? are you a student or a pupil? you are a student, aren't you? 2. was your grandmother a chemist? what was your grandmother? was your grandmother a chemist or a teacher?   your grandmother was a chemist, wasn't she? 3. will your sister be a nurse? what will your sister be? will your sister be a nurse or a doctor?   your sister will be a nurse, won't she? 4. does your  father have many books by jack london? what does your father have?   does your father have many books by jack london or by agatha christie?   your father has many books by jack london, doesn't he? 5.  did you have a lesson in chemistry yesterday? what did you have yesterday?   did you have a lesson in chemistry or in math yesterday?   you had a lesson in chemistry yesterday, didn't you?

what will be the future is difficult to predict. science-fiction writers describe the future in different ways. but in most cases they are similar in one thing: robots will appear in the society of people, who will have artificial intelligence, and people will begin to move to other planets. perhaps it will be so. after all, once people thought that the earth was flat, but when they began to surf the ocean and discover continents, they realized that the situation was completely different. we must take care of the future, in what condition the planet earth will reach our descendants.

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