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Is a skientist. she works in the laboratory.

1. peter and mary have two children, boy and girl. d) a, a2. can you repeat question, please? a) the 3. is there hotel near here? b) a 4. the table’s in middle of the room. c) the5. vegetarian is somebody who doesn’t eat meat. a) a, - 6. history is the study of past.  c) - 7. i’ve got problem. can you help me?   d) a8. last year i visited a lot of cities. i liked paris most of all. b) - 9. this butterfly's annual is across north america.  c) migration10. the children were left in my   b) care 11. the fortress was against all the power of man. a) defendable12. spiders are sensitive to vibrations on their web. 13. if i a broom, i will sweep the floor. d) have14. i would have talked to him if i him yesterday. a) had recognized 15. if he didn’t smoke, he a lot of money. b) would save

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