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Use the present perfect continuous and for or since for each of the following situations. пример: my friend started reading an interesting book a month ago. he is still reading it. he has been reading the book since last month. e. carol's father began learning kazakh 7 month ago. he is still learning kazakh. for 7 months. f. dmitry started learning kazakh a year ago. he is still learning it. dmitry last year. g. our teacher began telling us a story about school children of britain at 3 o' clock. he's still telling us the story. it is interesting. it's now 3: 45. for 45 minutes.

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E. he has been learning kazakh for 7 months. f. dmitry has been learning kazakh since last year. g. he has been telling us the story for 45 minutes.

1) belongs

2) have you seen

3) is going

4) i've been studying

5) has got, the play had already started.

6) was preparing , the phone rang.

7) i think

8) why are you tasting

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