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Combine the words from two boxes : box 1- choose , colour , cook , decorate , light , eat , exchange , hang , have , make , raise , send , sing , watch , wear , wrap box 2 - cakes, a choice of tasty food, costumes, eggs, fireworks, a flag, electric lights, greeting cards, the house, parades, songs, parties, presents, pudding, stockings, the christmas tree

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Ответы на вопрос:

Choose the christmas tree colour eggs cook pudding decorate the house light electric lights eat cakes exchange parades hang stockings have a choice of tasty food make parties raise a flag send greeting cards sing songs watch fireworks wear costumes wrap presents

Where does your friend live? what's the name of her friend? jack is your best friend, isn't he? why his friend is so sad? do their friends live in this house? our friends are very nice, aren't they? do you communicate with your friends everyday? everyone needs to have friends, am i right?

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