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Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы there are many islands in the south pacific. these are tropical islands. the weather is warm all year round. the trees on the island in the picture are coconut palms. they are very useful because they grow well in sandy and salty places near the seashore where other kinds of trees can't grow. the coconuts give food. the islanders can dry the nuts and sell them to make oil. they can also use the trunks of the trees for building and the leaves for making roofs for their houses. there is no cold weather in the islands so the islanders do not need houses with thick walls. this house is open on all sides. there is a stone floor and a roof made of palm leaves. there are mats on the floor. the islanders make the mats from dried leaves вопросы: 1 have you ever been to a tropical island? 2 what do you think life is like on a tropical island in the south pacific? 3 what kind of food do people eat? 4 what kind of houses do they live in? 5 do you dream about living on a tropical island

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. ты когда-нибудь был на тропических островах? ответь сам. yes, i traveled to the tropical island (да, был); no, i didn't travel to the tropical island (нет, не был). 2.i think life on a tropical paradise is like little paradise ( ofcourse if i will live in the hotel )-я думаю, жизнь на тропических островах это как маленький рай (конечно, если жить в отеле) 3. they are eat tropical fruits- coconut for example.- они едят тропические фрукты- ананас, к примеру. 4. they can also use the trunks of the trees for building and the leaves for making roofs for their houses. ( они используют обломки деревьев , чтобы строить дома, и листья, чтобы строить крыши) 5.yes, i'm dream about life on a tropical island, because i want get different lifestyle. (я мечтаю пожить на тропических островах, потому что я хочу разнообразить свою жизнь.

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