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Перевод 1. оказалось, что джон был весьма грубым мальчиком. 2. во многих сказках злые ведьмы превращают людей в животных. 3. переверни три страницы, и ты увидишь картинку, которую ты ищешь. 4. том вывернул карманы наизнанку, но не нашел ни одного цента. 5. он появился в самом конце вечеринки и сразу попросил чашку чая и кусок пирога. 6. а теперь выключите магнитофоны и запишите то, что вы слышали. 7. оказалось, что практиковаться в игре на фортепьяно не всегда интересно. 8. мне бы хотелось, чтобы ты сделал звук телевизора потише. 9. мы обернулись и были разочарованы, когда увидели, что наши друзья не вышли из дома, чтобы попрощаться. 10. оказывается, что язык позаимствовал гораздо больше слов из других языков, чем и французский.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. it turned out that john was a very rough boy. 2. in many tales of the evil witch turn people into animals. 3. turn the three pages, and you will see the image that you are looking for. 4. tom turned out his pockets inside out, but could not find one cent. 5. he appeared at the end of the party, and immediately asked for a cup of tea and a piece of cake. 6. now turn off the tape and write down what you hear. 7. it was found that in practice the piano is not always interesting. 8. i would like you to do a tv sound so loud. 9. we turned around and were very disappointed when we saw that our friends did not come home to say good-bye. 10. it appears that english has borrowed much more than words from other languages ​​than german and french.

As a climate scientist, i am constantly asked by a wide range of people an odd question: "hasn`t the climate always changed through natural cycles? " what i find interesting i have known these people for a long time and their perception of the climate change is confused because they modify their beliefs about uncomfortable truth. it's not something someone should believe or not believe in -this is a matter of science and therefore of evidence - and there's a lot of it out there. despite that fact that many other regions of the world were experiencing record warm temperatures, there is a broad consensus that over the last half-century, warming has been rapid, and man-made greenhouse gas emissions are very likely to be the cause. the more appropriate questions for today are how will our climate change and how can we prepare for those changes?

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