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Прошу вставить артикль где необходимио. beginning of 19th century little boy was born in family of john dickens, clerk at office in portsmouth, and was named charles. he had sister who was older than himself, arid there were several other children in family. when charles was seven, he was sent to school. he was strong child. he did not like to play cricket or football and spent all his free time reading. in 1821 family went to london and little charles left behind him happiest years of his childhood. his father was in money difficulties, and family became poorer and poorer. boy had to give up his studios. mr.dickens was put into debtors' priso. little charles learned to know all. , horrors and cruelty of large capitalist city. he had to go to work blacking factory. he worked there from morning till night. when his father came out of prison, charles was sent to school for some time. soon he got work as .. clerk. the he learned stenography and became reporter; in parliament. in 1836 age of 24 charles dick-1 en? published his first book. it was collection of stories. of book.

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At the beginning of the 19th century a little boy was born in the family of john dickens, a clerk at an office in portsmouth, and was named charles. he had a sister who was older than himself, arid there were several other children in the family. when charles was seven, he was sent to school. he was not a strong child. he did not like to play cricket or football and spent all his free time reading. in 1821 the family went to london and little charles left behind him the happiest years of his childhood. his father was in money difficulties, and the family became poorer and poorer. the boy had to give up his studios. mr.dickens was put into a debtors' prison. little charles learned to know all the horrors and cruelty of a large capitalist city. he had to go to work at a blacking factory. he worked there from morning till night. when his father came out of prison, charles was sent to school for some time. soon he got work as a clerk. the he learned stenography and became a reporter; in parliament. in 1836 at the age of 24 charles dick-1 en? published his first book. it was a collection of stories. the title of the и дальше нет

Уильям шекспир, величайший драматург, родился в 1564 году в стратфорде-на-эйвоне. стратфорд - это небольшой провинциальный городок в фермерском округе рядом с центральной частью . эйвон, живописная река с травой и деревьями вдоль своих берегами, протекает через стратфорд. не так много известно об отце шекспира. он был фермером, который, в разные промежутки  своей жизни, продавал мясо и занимался купле-продажей шерсти. он был беден и часто имел  финансовые трудности. о жизни его единственного сына уильема тоже мало что известно.  маленький домик, в котором был рожден великий писатель, до сих пор стоит. сейчас это музей. уильям ходил в школу в стратфорде. в 1586 году он уехал в лондон. вероятнее всего, первая его работа там была в  одном из двух театров, которые были в лондоне на то время. после этого он стал актером и вскоре начал писать пьесы для труппы, к которой он принадлежал. шекспир купил самый большой дом в его родном городе в 1597 году, но до 1610 года он не проводил много времени там. последние свои годи жизни он провел в нем. 

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