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Перевести ) часто люди под влияние чьих бы то ни было взглядов и мнений.я считаю ,что важно иметь собственное мнение.поступать так как считаешь нужным.и если ты уверен в собственной правоте,следует идти до конца,и не думать о том,совпадает ли это с мнением других.

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People often fall under impact of someone's points of view and opinions.i think that it's important to have your own point of view.to do what you suppose is right.and if you are sure that you right,you shouldn't give up and think about the difference of your opinion and opinions other people

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In childhood i often watched tv when i was sitting at home, and i had nothing to do. i watched movies, cartoons, different shows, concerts of stars of transmission is about animals and news. when we started the computer, and then the internet, i became interested by them. on tv i almost forgot, and rarely watch it. i got to choose what to watch. now, for example, i include only the transfer of different countries, about hobbies, and great shows: concerts of different talents or reality shows. my grandmother says that i have changed one "box" on the other. her tv prefer. but i disagree with that. on the computer i'm free to choose what to do. there i am active, for example, to communicate with friends, to find fellow hobby. and the tv just shows a picture, and it's boring. i won't spatializer , because he benefits. it reveals an interesting program, reports the news, gives to relax in the evenings. but much attention, it is not worth it.

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