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Beauty - is the joy of our life, this is what surrounds us. after all, we sometimes do not notice what a beautiful azure sky and the sunset, the stars twinkling and the rustle of the trees in the forest. and how many colors nature uses to show the beauty of autumn! it is necessary to notice the beauty of nature, to cherish it and cherish. the man is handsome in his work. beauty and creative native people of different professions. it is not time we paid attention to how a person with enthusiasm, creativity does something. we marvel, wonder how, for example, people quickly cuts a unique figure in wood - a miracle - for a few minutes. we admire and say: "what a beauty" confectioners, razukrashivaya their products, can create true works of art, which can only admire. we respectfully talking about people who are doing their job beautifully. "golden hands", "jack of all trades" - this assessment skilled people that our work is done with the soul, with love, bringing pleasure to themselves and others. handsome man - a man of harmonious development. harmonious human easy to communicate. for him, the world of rich, entertaining, and most importantly - good and open. they say that such a person's soul is beautiful. and this is the most important wealth. beautiful life for people who are constantly expanding their knowledge, cultivate humanity, and humanity is considered the basis of human relations. mankind will always admire men of genius, such as leonardo da vinci, michelangelo, raphael, leo tolstoy. it was boundless circle of their interests, their deep connection with life. the life of these people are not completely flashed. all their knowledge, skills, love, they sent for the benefit of mankind. we admire the beauty of the paintings of leonardo da vinci and raphael. when classical music, we become anxious or calm, joyful or sad. meeting with the beautiful awakens in our soul high bright feeling. these feelings do not leave us long, troubled soul, a desire to be better. and we say: "great! " beauty plays an important role in human life. influencing human, beauty awakens in his soul the most light, lofty sentiments. she makes it a kinder, nobler, develops in him the desire to create, to create a new beauty for others to enjoy. no wonder that the russian proverb says: "where there is love and kindness, there is beauty." the main thing - to observe this beauty, not to pass by. great may be near. stop and you in amazement before a surprising and then my heart will be happier, kinder, warmer, because the beauty creates beautiful.

Цепь игры . использование в конце предложения, а начало новой . например: a: когда никита и даша возвращаются в москву , они расскажут своим друзьям о сша . b: когда они рассказывают своим друзьям о сша , их друзья будут задавать много вопросов . c: когда их друзья им много вопросов , они ответят на все из них .

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