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Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо: a) … volga is … longest river in … europe- e) how much time does it take peter to get there? an part of russia. b) i’d like to go on … excursion to … crimea. c) there is … stadium not far from our … house. … stadium is … largest in our town. d) my brother is … pupil of … 8th form and he wants to become … engineer. e) … chemistry is his favourite subject at … school. f) … children like … ice-cream. g) can you tell me … way to … theatre? h) here is … book you need. i) … walls of our classroom are yellow. j) … butter and … cheese are made of … milk. k) which … fruit do you like: … apples or … … oranges? l) i go to … bed at 12 o’clock at night. m) when will you finish … school? n) i get up at 7 o’clock in … morning. o) … england has to import … raw materials, such as … timber, … petroleum, … wool and others. p) many ships with … grain, … oil, … cotton and other goods come to … london along … river thames.

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Ответы на вопрос:

A)the, the, - b)an, the c)a, the, the d)a, the, an g)the, the h)the i)- l)- m)- n)the


1 are

2 are

3 are

4 is


You must respect adults.

You have to call her right now.

You are not allowed to run around school.

You are not allowed to use the telephone in the exam

Популярно: Английский язык