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Переделать в притяжательный падеж replace the of-phrases by the noun in the possessive case where possible. если замена невозможна, поставьте прочерк – (dash). a coat of a man the hammer of a worker the new club of the workers the clothes of the boys the streets of the town the plays of shakespeare the pages of the book the tone of his voice the boats of the fishermen a spot of ink the opinion of the lawyer the house of my father-in-law the exercise-books of the pupils a voyage of the month the arrival of a taxi the days of the week work of three years theatres of moscow the decision of the government the crew of the ship the best museums of our city the clothes of the girls the windows of the room the sound of carriage wheels the success of the company

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Ответы на вопрос:

Aman's coat worker's hammer workers' club boys' clothes town's streets shakespeare's plays book's pages - the fisherman's boats - the lawyer's opinion my father-in-law's father pupils' exercise books - taxi arrival weekdays - moscow's theatres government's decision the ship's crew our city's best museums the girls' clothes - - the company's success

1 - (прочерк)

2 informative

3 the

4 - (прочерк)

5 the/the

6 invention

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